“What the hell is it?”
“Roofie, Rohypnol powder, assholes use this to get women stoned then screw them. Most of the time the women don’t know what the hell is happening until after the drug wears off the next morning. Some girl on this could get laid by a gang, and not only do it willingly, she wouldn’t remember the details. This is a popular drug on the black market.” He paused then grinned, “And why in hell am I explaining this to you, you know damn well what it is?”
“What are you doing with it?”
“I took it off that guy we busted last week, the one with the unconscious 15-year-old in the car with him. She was totally under with this shit.”
“Shouldn’t that be in the evidence room?”
My partner officer looked around, “That guy had a bag full of this stuff, I kept a few doses so I can teach my daughters about it.”
I sat up straight and looked at him shocked, “You’re going to drug your daughters, and fuck them?”
He looked at me like I was fucking nuts, “God no! I’m going to tell them what it is, what it’s effects are then have them take some. I’ll video them under the influence then in the morning they can see what happened to them. I hope it will be a lesson they never forget. If they know about this, they should be a lot more careful when in social gatherings of men and women.”
“Jesus Jack, that’s pretty radical, and fucking risky as hell. If word got out that a Vice Detective was drugging his own daughters, I don’t think it would go well in the department.”
“Yeah, but I’ll take that risk to keep my daughters out of the hands of men like the one we caught last week.”
“Okay, I can understand that, but why are you telling me?”
“First, you and me go back 20 years, I know you won’t ‘run to the cops’. Second, I was thinking you might use some to teach Jolie the same lesson.”
Jolie is my sixteen-year-old daughter, she is best friends with Jack’s twin girls, my goddaughters, Jade and Opal. I sat back, took a long pull on my beer and stared at my best friend and partner crime buster. We had spent years in Vice, chasing and arresting drug dealers, human traffickers and sexual predators. What the hell was he doing, had he flipped out? He was going to ply his girls with an illegal drug and offered to give me some so I could fuck with my daughter’s head too, “I don’t know Jack, Jolie seems to be pretty level headed, aware of her surroundings and intuitive to the people around her. She may be taking precautions without needing to be taught.”
“Well, okay, your call, but I just thought.” Jack got up, paid for the beers then left me sitting, wondering about, and doubting his wisdom.
For nine more days we didn’t mention the illegal drugs my partner was holding for his own girls. I thought about it, but was hoping he would come to his senses and flush the crap. But he didn’t, “Hey Brian, you want to know how that roofie affected my girls?”
“You gave it to them?”
“Yeah. I was leaning toward not doing it but I talked to Judy, she and me weighed the pros and cons of drugging the girls for a couple of days then Judy said she would try it first, to experience it before we gave it to the twins.”
“And, I mixed some in Judy’s ice tea and it only took a few minutes before it hit her.”
“Your wife got horny?”
“No, not horny, she just didn’t know what the hell was going on. I took her to bed and could have done any fucking thing I wanted with her and she would have been putty in my hands. Now I know why the drug is so popular with some guys. A no hassle way to rape a woman.”
“So, Judy was okay with knocking out the girls?”
“Yeah, when she found out just how compliant she got, her mother instinct took over and she agreed with me, we needed to teach them about being aware of how some son-of-a-bitch might prey on them. We gave the girls the stuff Saturday night.”
“What happened?”
“Well, it seemed to hit Opal first. In about fifteen minutes she was wobbling around the front room, not even aware of what she was doing. We let her go until she lay on the floor and went to sleep. When I picked her up to put her to bed, she didn’t have a clue. Jade took a little longer, but she went just as clueless as her sister. Both of them could have gotten screwed and neither would have known. The next morning their mom and I sat with the girls in the kitchen and showed them the videos on the smartphone. It shook them up and I think they learned a valuable lesson.” I didn’t know what to say. In some ways I saw the sense of what he did, as a father he was taking what ever steps he could to keep his girls safe from predators. I was still on the fence about his swiping the drug from the evidence room in the first place, but since Judy, his wife, was involved, I slowly came around to what he had done; I could live with it.
What Jack did with his daughters lingered as background thoughts in my head for days. His suggestion I do the same with Jolie wouldn’t leave me alone, “Jack.”
“Give me some of the date rape drug, I think I want to do the same with Jolie.”
“Ha! I knew it, I knew you would come around Brian. Are you going to get Ellen to do it first?”
“I should, there would be hell to pay if I drugged her daughter and she didn’t know beforehand.”
“Smart move partner, I’ll have it tomorrow.”
I explained to my wife what Jack and Judy had done and was a bit surprised that she didn’t fly off the handle about treacherous lechers or evil parenting; Ellen was a bit more regulated when it came to sex and privacy. She agreed to try the stuff first so I hit her with it on Friday night. In minutes my wife was loose, unaware and pliable. After we went to bed, I should say, after I took her to bed, I didn’t sit back and observe like Jack did. I fucked my unconscious wife. I wouldn’t admit it to myself just then, but I enjoyed screwing her while she was totally oblivious. The next day Ellen was adamant, we needed to give the drug to Jolie. She was a little peeved that I took advantage of her the night before and was ready to help our daughter in any way possible to avoid the same fate.
Jolie was under the influence in minutes. Ellen recorded how she acted, how she just laid back on the sofa and allowed us to push her around or position her on the cushions. We even recorded when I carried my limp daughter to her room and tossed her to the bed. When her head hit the pillow, she smiled up at me, held a hand up toward me then switched off, her lights went out for the night. Ellen and I looked down on our passed out daughter, “Jesus, Brian, she could be getting screwed right now and never know.”
As I looked at her, examining her shape and form, I was hit with a lightning bolt of reality, my daughter was more woman than girl, a slight twinge of manhood tickled my loins, “I hope she realizes that when we show her the video.” The last thought I had as we left Jolie alone was to wonder if she was still chaste.
Life returned to normal. Jolie was shocked and dismayed at how easy it would have been for some guy to rape her while she slept. While working with Jack on a case I told him what we had done, we shared our thoughts and decided what we did with our girls was a valid and prudent way of teaching another life lesson.
Two months later Ellen left for a five-day vacation cruise with her mother, my daughter and I had to face the big bad world alone. The first night Jolie was out with friends while I sat a home like a good husband and dad. She came in about midnight, her curfew, then changed to pajamas and we talked another hour before she went to bed. In the hour before she went to her room, my daughter caused me to have forbidden thoughts. Her pajama pants came only half way down her thighs, the top was loose enough that I caught glimpses of her breasts and nipples when she moved around. She hadn’t cleaned off her makeup and her hair was tousled just so. In just a few minutes Jolie metamorphized from my daughter to a very attractive and sensual young woman. After I went to bed the images of her became more erotic until I was embarrassed for my thoughts and the half hard cock between my legs.
“Jolie, what time will you be home tonight?”
“I don’t know dad, the movie ends at 10:30, probably 20 minutes later.” My daughter kissed my cheek, “Love you dad,” then left to meet Jade and Opal. Jack was busy so I was again alone. Alone with my thoughts. I sat in the front room nursing a beer and envisioned my daughter the night before. She looked sexy, she radiated sexuality. The longer I sat there, the more my daughter’s images taunted me. What does she look like nude? How could I get her that way so I could gauge her maturity?
I got up and went to my bedroom to look for the small baggie of Rohypnol powder, my morals were at war with my curiosity, should I? Should I drug Jolie then put her to bed naked; inspect her, look at her? A small dose, enough to put her to sleep, she wouldn’t know, she couldn’t object if I undressed her and evaluated her tight teen body. Should I? When I went back to the TV with the drug in my pocket but was still undecided.
She came in around 10:45 and greeted me with happy eyes and a bounce in her step. My daughter was in a good mood and it showed. She ran to her room to change into the same night clothes as before then came back. Jolie told me about the movie, what she and her friends had planned for the next day then asked, “I’m going to get a Coke, want another beer?”
I made my decision, “Sit here, I’ll get it, you want a glass or just the can?”
“In a glass, with ice.”
I put ice in the glass then fished the baggie from my pocket. I glanced around to make sure Jolie was not around then shook some powder over the ice. I poured Coke into the tumbler then took the roofie to my daughter. She thanked me with a smile then drank about half in three swallows. As I watched her drink, my cock twitched and filled slightly with warmed blood. A few minutes later her Coke was gone and she was getting rocky. We were talking but soon she wasn’t making a lot of sense so I asked her if she was ready for bed. She fell back on the sofa and mumbled, “Yeah, I’m kind of sleepy.” I picked my daughter up and carried her to her room, by the time I laid her down, she was lost in a fog of drugged induced unawareness. I positioned her on her back then sat next to her; Jolie was breathing regularly, eyes closed. I put my hand on her hair and stroked it to see how she would react. She didn’t. I moved my hand to her face and she remained still. My heart was thudding, I felt feverish, I began to shake. I put my fingers to work on the buttons of her top, opening them cautiously, in case she woke up. When the last button was open, I pulled the night shirt apart and stared at my daughter’s tits.
My cock was swelling with each passing moment. I checked Jolie again, she was breathing easily, stoned asleep. I put a shaky hand on her left breast and kneaded the firm mound, her nipple stiffened in my palm. My cock stiffened in my pants. I was beyond rational thought, the sight of my daughter spread out like a sacrifice before me caused my mind to blank, my hormones took control. I slid the hand down her stomach then eased my fingers under the waist band of her pj pants and felt a surge of desire when I discovered she wasn’t wearing panties; I pressed further down to caress the top of her slit. I felt hair, but not much. Curious, and lacking control of what I was doing, I stood beside her then pulled her pants off. She lifted her legs as the cloth slipped over her feet. Jolie was lying nude front of me for the first time since she was a toddler; only she didn’t look like she did back then. I touched her on the knee then pulled my hand up the inside of her thighs to the junction of her legs. Jolie shifted slightly, moving her legs apart as I rubbed my long finger on the soft lips of her pussy. I was overheating, my heart was bruising against my ribs, my balls were vibrating as I gazed at her pubic hair. She trimmed her mat thin and from inside her legs, I stood again to pull my pants and briefs off, my erection breathed a sigh of relief for the freedom.
I was to the point of climbing on the bed and fucking my daughter, but from somewhere deep inside came the voice of reason; ‘No. Don’t do it.’ I fought off the tremors of lust then moved my hand off her to stroke her face. As my fingers slipped over her lips, she puckered her mouth and kissed the tip of a finger. I pressed the finger against her mouth and she opened slightly to let it in. I knew I shouldn’t screw her, but another urgency flushed through me. I moved around to put my erection against her mouth, she moved her lips, caressing the head of my cock with them. I pressed between them, then pushed through her teeth, her mouth opened wider and in seconds I was fucking her face. Jolie rolled toward me and began to suckle the shaft. I short stroked my daughter for a couple of minutes until I could take no more stimulation. My cock convulsed then I unloaded four blasts of cum over her tongue. I pulled out and semen began to drool from the corner of her lips. I put a hand over her mouth and held it until she swallowed the load. I carefully wiped the residue off her face so there wouldn’t be any spots on the sheets then fled to my own room. I spent most of the night riding a tidal wave of guilt and shame.
The next morning, I dreaded the moment when Jolie would come from her room. She sauntered into the kitchen about 8:45 looking for something to quell her thirst. She was fully refreshed and dressed and greeted me cheerily, “Good morning dad, do we have any juice?” She gave no hint that she knew what I did with her just hours earlier. My nerves calmed somewhat, I had acted like one of the sexual predators I put in jail and apparently got away with it. As I watched my daughter press the lip of the tumbler to her lips, my nuts involuntarily twitched.
Jolie went out to do whatever teen girls do on Saturday and I went to work on Jack’s street rod. We drank a few beers while rebuilding the engine and the iniquity of the night faded away in the routine of the day. The three girls came home that afternoon then Jolie and I left Jack’s for dinner. My daughter wanted to clean up and change before we ate so I took her home. While getting ready myself, I heard the shower and envisioned my daughter as she was the night before, naked and yielding. As I pulled my pants up, over my cock it was a little heavier than normal.
Through dinner Jolie was spirited and chatty. She regaled me with tales of school and friends, her eyes were sparkling, her smiles came easy. I watched my daughter as she talked and got horny. For her.
The drive back to the house was only about 15 minutes but it seemed like forever. I wanted to get the girl alone, but was afraid of my motivation. Ever since she took the shower, I’d been having indecent thoughts about her, then during dinner, I made the decision to slip her another roofie after we got home.
Jolie went to her room to change into something more comfortable, a night gown. When she came back, she was showing a lot of leg, her nipples tented the material covering her breasts. She went to the kitchen for a Coke then came back, she set the glass down and announced, “I have to pee, would you find something on TV we can watch?” My daughter left me alone, alone with her drink. I hurried to my room for the powder then back to the front room. The white powder was just dissolving in the Coke when Jolie returned. She picked it up, drank about half then sat next to me, snatched the remote from my hand and started channel surfing.
Fifteen minutes later Jolie was lying on the sofa cushions using my thigh as a pillow. She was almost asleep. I caressed her hair for a few moments then moved my hand to her shoulder and arm. As I stroked Jolie, she rolled her head on my leg, getting comfier. I sensed when she relaxed completely but to be sure she was out, I slid my hand down her side, over her butt and down her leg. She didn’t object, she didn’t move away from my touch, my prick swelled to capacity as I moved my hand under the short nightgown to caress her ass. I smoothed my hand over her panties for a few strokes then slid my middle finger between her thighs to touch her pussy. Jolie grunted softly and moved her legs apart, far enough so I could use more than one finger. Not a full minute after she laid on my leg, I was petting my daughter’s pussy, and she was feeling it. I carefully probed for the right place then pushed a half finger into the girl. With my other hand I opened my pants then freed the beast. Jolie’s head was in the right position and her hair was loose enough to wrap around my erection. I slow stroked my cock with her hair in my fist and felt deeper between her legs. I abused my daughter like that for a couple of minutes, the entire time she was warming up. Her cunt was swelling and getting juicy, her hips began to move against the pressure on her clit. When she opened her mouth and gasped a deep breath then moaned it out, I was totally lost to the depravity of the situation. I got off the sofa, shed my pants so I wouldn’t trip over them, then picked up my daughter and took her to my room. I laid Jolie on her back, pulled legs apart by the ankles then let my eyes feast on the young womanhood. My cock was thudding, hard as a fucking oak branch, dribbling pre-cum to the floor. I wondered briefly if she was still virgin but I didn’t dwell on the question. I crawled onto the bed from the end, between her legs then put my erection where it needed to be. Jolie flinched slightly when I penetrated her about half, but she didn’t cry out, I felt no resistance. Either she’d been fucked before or somehow lost her maidenhead, because I pushed unrestrained into her; she was tight but not hindered by a barrier.
Even though my daughter was unaware of what I was doing, she moved her legs wider, allowing me more room between them. I pushed up on stiff arms then watched while I screwed her. I pulled her night gown high enough to bare her breasts then leaned over to kiss her nipples. Jolie moaned again, her body flexed against me then I settled in to a rhythm, fucking her with growing intensity.
The perversity of what I was doing, the vision of the teen girl under me, the depth of her body all combined to set my nuts in motion long before I wanted. As my erection swelled, I strained to hold back the inevitable but I couldn’t. Two thrusts before blowing my load I pulled from between her legs and busted a load all over her stomach. I fell to her side; she still didn’t know what I was doing with her but I was overwhelmed with guilt and shame for what I had just done. My hormones were puddled on her skin so my rational self took over. I had just fucked my own daughter. I drugged her then fucked her. If I were anybody else, I would arrest me on the spot then beat me half to death while handcuffed. I slunk from the bed to get a towel to wipe the mess off Jolie’s body before I carried her to her own room. I didn’t get a wink of sleep that night.
The next morning Jolie complained briefly about not sleeping well then went on with her day. I spent the entire morning remembering. Remembering and thinking. I drugged her. I fucked her. Again, I got away with it, but I washed the rest of the date rape powder down the sink so I wouldn’t be tempted again.
Two months later Jack and I were sitting in our squad car talking. We were talking about a vacation our families had been planning for years. 15 days in Hawaii, we had been saving and planning for four years for the trip. The women, wives and daughters were excited, happily making their own plans for the vacation. “Hey, Jack, that Rohypnol should still be in the evidence room, right?”
“I think so, the case is closed but the evidence hasn’t been tossed yet. Why?”
“If the case is closed, then no one would be looking at the stuff anymore and in a few months it will get incinerated.”
“Yeah, what’s your point?”
“Just a wicked thought, it might be fun to drug Ellen and have my way with her on a beach. She won’t do that straight, so ---”
Jack caught on fast, he grinned, “Right, that would be a trip, for her and you. I might even slip some to Judy.” It was settled, my partner and I were going to boost some date rape drug and fuck our wives on a public beach. After dark of course.
Four days after arriving in Hawaii, our wives got some bad news by text. A very good mutual friend had been killed when her car rolled off a highway in a rain storm and landed upside down in a flooded field. They immediately packed their bags and flew home for the services. Jack, the girls, and I were left to finish the vacation. We snorkeled off Diamond Head, attended a Polynesian Luau, took surfing lessons and kayaked among whales and porpoises. The fifth day after Ellen and Judy left, we were on a beach, Jack and I drinking some local concoction while our daughters cavorted in the water. Jade and Opal were wearing identical string bikinis, Jolie wore a black halter and briefs combination. I was eyeballing the three very alluring teens as they tried to copy the moves the Polynesian women were doing at the Luau. The Fire Dance was the highlight of the Luau, those young Island women were shaking and rolling their asses but nothing else moved. Their heads and upper bodies were still, only legs and asses were in motion. To say it was an entertaining sight would be an understatement. Our daughters were beginning to shake, rattle and roll much the same as the dancers. They were also a very entertaining sight.
We sipped a couple more drinks then took the girls to dinner. After that we headed back to the hotel, where we had separate suites. Jack and his girls went to their room, Jolie and I to ours. Not fifteen minutes later Jolie got a text from Opal. ‘Come here, dad will go there for the night.’ “Dad, the twins want me to spend the night with them, Jack can sleep in my room.”
“What are you three planning? You will stay in the room, right?”
“We want to practice more dance stuff.”
“Can we watch, be impartial judges?”
“Watch maybe, after we practice more, but impartial, I doubt that for sure” she said with a grin.
Jack and I were sitting on the balcony getting fairly blitzed on Tropical Itch drinks. My phone buzzed, Jolie sent me a text, ‘OK, come be judges’. When we arrived the three girls greeted us happily and sat us on the edge of a bed to watch them do the Polynesian hip swinging dance. “Now you gotta be fair, we don’t want you two to say ‘that was great, or you’re the best’ just because we’re your daughters. We’ve been trying hard and we want a fair critique.”
Jack answered for both of us, “Fair and disinterested.”
Jade responded to her father, “Disinterested? If you two are disinterested while watching us shake our asses at you, I’ll get worried, you might be well on the way to dead.”
Her bold comment shook me up a little, that a daughter could say that to her dad but I said, “Go for it girls, make us drool.” The girls grinned; Jack cast me a cautious look.
30 minutes and four dance routines later I was extremely interested. Those three sixteen-year-old girls had learned quickly and avidly how to swing their butts. That they still wore just the bikinis added a touch of audacious bravado into the mix. The dancing was very fucking seductive and I knew they weren’t trying to seduce us, --- but if it had been any other women. It was so seductive that as I watched, I remembered how it felt to screw my daughter that one night. My cock flexed with memories and I regretted letting Jolie stay the night with her friends. I was in the mood to slip some of the powder to her.
The girls went into a bedroom to change into night gowns. While they were away Jack spoke his mind, “Jesus, I need to get laid.”
I cautiously answered, “Yeah, those girls got me thinking like that too, too bad they are our daughters.”
He looked at me directly and asked straight out, “Did you ever think of taking Jolie to bed? To have sex with her?”
“Jesus Jack, what are you saying? You have? With the twins?”
His eyes got bolder, he checked over his shoulder at the closed door, “No, I haven’t, but right now I’m thinking I could slip my girls a roofie.”
“And if you did?”
“What do you think?”
“I’m thinking ‘What the Fuck?’ Do you know what you’re proposing? Christ Jack, that’s over the top.”
He wasn’t phased by my criticism, “Look Brian, we’ve been partners and friends since we were rookies. In all that time we’ve become so attuned to each other we act on instinct together, especially when we get into a tight situation. Well my instinct right now is saying, ‘he’s not as shocked as he wants me to think’. Face it partner, screwing your daughter has been playing on your mind, I read you like a book while you watched her bouncing ass.”
I didn’t tell my friend I was thinking the same thing, I didn’t tell him I had already fucked Jolie, I stood up and confirmed his statement by readjusting my half hard cock then replied cautiously, “You really think we should, you and your girls, me and Jolie?” He didn’t answer verbally, but nodded carefully, slowly. I reached into my pocket, pulled out the small plastic bag and said, “They’ll be thirsty when they come out, let’s fix them a soda.” He smiled, took the baggie then went to pour and spike their soft drinks.
The three were animated, giggling and happy when the came to the common room of the suite. All three were wearing sleep wear, Jolie in flannel pants and a loose t-shirt, the twins in knee length gowns. Each one grabbed a tall glass of Sprite and chugged them down. “Thanks dad,” said Jade, “that workout was thirsty work.”
Jack looked at his daughters with anticipation and I commented, “That was a hell of a show girls, each of you managed to keep our interest, that was a very erotic display of young womanhood.”
Rather than be offended by the brazen assessment, Jolie smiled first at Jack then turned to me, “Doing that is fun. It’s fun showing off like that, even for our dads.” The twins nodded their agreement with pretty grins. My cock began to reform, warming and gaining even more weight.
Jack told Opal, “Brian and I are ready for an encore if you’re up to it.”
“Oh no, not now, I’m feeling a little tired.” Her sister joined in, “Yeah, it’s been a long day, I’m going to bed. Come on, Jolie, Opal, let’s go.” In seconds Jack and I were alone again.
“What do you think?”
I knew what he was asking, “Give them ten minutes, they’ll be out for sure.”
“Are we going to split them up, the twins in there, Jolie in the other room?”
I studied my partner, my best friend and read his mind, we were going to step far beyond the limits of decency, “No, let’s keep it to one room.” He smiled, then reached for the phone, “Room service? Uh, yeah, I’m getting ready to celebrate the evening with a lovely woman but she wants to be safe, do you have any condoms you can send up? Thanks, six should do it.”
“What the fuck was that? You called room service for rubbers?”
He took a sip of non-spiked Sprite, “This is a vacation hotel, I’m pretty sure they will supply the necessities of a good vacation. They probably give out more condoms than toothbrushes.” Five minutes later there was a discrete knock on the door, Jack opened it a crack and a hand pushed through and handed him six packets of Trojans, Lubricated. When the door closed Jack handed me three, “There you go, one for each girl.”
He stunned me, “What?”
He grinned, “All three Brian, if we do this, we do it right.”
I knocked on the bedroom door and as expected got no answer. I pushed it open about half and took in the scene, the three girls were spread out over the king-sized bed haphazardly, not neatly lined up with heads on pillows. The gowns Jade and Opal were wearing were short enough to reveal they had removed their underwear; we had an unobstructed view of their pussies. For a brief moment I thought the sight of his daughters like that would make Jack change his mind but it didn’t. He walked to the bed and pulled Opal’s gown to expose her tits. Without encouragement or discussion, I grabbed my daughter’s legs and pulled her around so I could strip the pants from her. Not a full minute after entering the room, my partner and I were looking at three very drugged, half naked, stimulating young women. Jack dropped his pants then pulled his boner through the slot of his boxers. He looked at the feminine choices spread before him then moved to my daughter, he looked at me, “Can I?”
“If I can with them.”
He grinned, “You get a two for one deal, not bad.” He stepped to Jolie then pressed his cock into her slit and moved it around until he found the hole. Jack pushed deep into Jolie while I went to Opal. My daughter moaned slightly, shifted her ass and threw her arms over her head while my best friend fucked her. I was short stroking Opal with just the head of my cock, watching how she reacted. She rolled her hips then arched so I could fuck her with the full length of my erection. As I screwed her, she was getting wetter, warmer, her body began jerk, her mouth opened for more air. I banged the girl for a few minutes then pulled away and went to her twin sister. My cock was slick with Opal’s juices so I slid easily into Jade. When I mashed my groin against hers, she gasped, clenched her fists then hissed out a long breath. I was so involved in screwing Jack’s girls I missed when he turned Jolie to her face and started fucking her over her ass. He pumped her for a couple of minutes then moved out to put on a condom. Prepared for the end, he pushed back into my daughter then fucked her rapidly until he came. I withdrew from Jade long enough to put on protection then pushed back in to finish fucking her.
Jack and I left the girls to get a beer, “Jesus Brian, what the hell have we done?”
“You’re asking me that now? We just became the fucking perverts we arrest and put in jail.”
He grinned, “Should we arrest each other?”
I chugged my beer, “Not until I’ve used all three rubbers.”
We’d taken a long enough recess to revive our erections. Jack got on the bed next to Opal, slid his cock between her legs while I started screwing Jolie. Neither of us was hesitant to fuck our own girl while the other watched. Jade was lying between her sister and her best friend; she was rocking back and forth in her sleep as the bed bounced. The longer I screwed my daughter the more something was nagging on my mind. I couldn’t catch the thought but something was bothering me. I rolled my girl to her stomach, donned the rubber then pumped it full, and she felt nothing.
We were sitting on the edge of the bed, next to the girls, “How long does that crap work, how long will they be unaware of what is happening?”
Jack answered, “I don’t know, but I hope long enough so I can screw Jade. I haven’t been this fucking hot to fuck so many times in one night since the Police Academy.”
I felt the same way and to prove it, I rolled Opal to her side, pressed deep into her then we started round three with the three girls. I screwed Opal and Jolie, moving from one to the other until I was ready to burst. Jack had been busy with Jade the entire time, “Jack, roll Jade to her side, facing me, stay behind her.”
“You want to take her front and back at the same time?”
“No, not that, but watch.”
When she was in position, on her side facing me, I inched up the bed until my cock was even with her mouth, I pressed through her lips while her dad stared. As soon as the end of my erection slid over the girl’s tongue I let go. I gushed over her teeth then, when the last contraction faded, I pulled out quickly; just like I did with Jolie weeks before, I put my hand over Jade’s mouth until she had to swallow the cum. Jack got so fucking excited he pulled out of his daughter and asked “Jolie?” I nodded my permission for my best friend to screw my daughter’s mouth.
The next morning at breakfast, the three girls were tired but blamed it on all the dancing exercise, none had a clue of what really transpired. As I was watching my daughter fork a slice of pineapple, I finally realized what the nagging little thought was I’d had while I was fucking her. It was fun and satisfying to screw my daughter, but what I missed was her involvement. I mean, she got laid, but didn’t know it, didn’t fuck me back. The pleasure was all one sided. She didn’t know we had sex, she didn’t feel we had sex, she didn’t remember we had sex. I felt bad for her, she missed out on all the fun.
Jack and I used what little rape powder we had brought, so for the rest of the vacation we had to abstain from sex with the girls. There was no way in hell I would approach any of them straight. After we got back home life again returned to normal, my daughter fantasies faded to decadent memories, Jack and I didn’t talk about what we did.
Jolie turned seventeen on a Thursday but we didn’t throw a party until the next Saturday. We spent afternoon at Loon Lake with a gaggle of her friends. It was a hot August day and most of the kids were wearing swim wear and playing in the water, Opal, Jade and Jolie were wearing the same bikinis they wore in Hawaii. Jack was watching the three cavort and commented, “Fuck, that sure as hell brings up a few memories.”
He grinned when I agreed, “Yeah, pleasant memories.” I reminded him, “Ellen and Judy are leaving Monday for that seminar in San Francisco, they’ll be gone four days, the girls don’t go back to school until a week later.”
Jack studied my eyes for a few seconds then replied, “I can swap out the rest of the powder in the evidence room with flour.”